Understanding blazar emission, from radio to gamma-rays, Weekly Seminar in Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens, 06/2023
The many faces of cosmic accelerators: from blazars to galaxy clusters, Institute of Astrophysics, FORTH, 12/2022
Modeling the non-thermal emission from blazars, MPIfR Radio Astronomy/VLBI Group, Max Planck, 10/2022
Modeling the non-thermal emission from blazars, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science, 01/2022
Modeling the non-thermal emission from blazars, Weekly Seminar in Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens, 11/2019
Electron acceleration at merger shocks of galaxy clusters in generalized hybrid kinetic simulations, ICRC 2023, Nagoya, July 2023
Generalized Hybrid Kinetic Simulations of Particle Acceleration at Merger Shocks in Galaxy Clusters, in the "16th Hellenic Astronomical Conference", Athens, June 2023
Generalized Hybrid Kinetic Simulations of Particle Acceleration at Merger Shocks in Galaxy Clusters, in the fifteenth Conference of High Power Computer Users, Zakopane, April 2023
An expanding one-zone model for studying blazars emission, COSPAR 2022, Athens, July 2022
An expanding one-zone model to explain blazars emission, Epiphany 2022, Krakow, January 2022
A two-zone emission model for Blazars and the role of Accretion Disk MHD winds, ICRC 2021, Berlin. July 2021
A two-zone emission model for Blazars and the role of Accretion Disk MHD winds, 15th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Patras, July 2021
MHD Accretion Disk Winds and the Blazar Classification, X-ray Group, National Observatory of Athens, April 2021
Modeling the non-thermal emission from blazars, Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation School, Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Arcetri, Firenze, March 2021
On the connection of radio and γ-ray emission of blazars, Relativitic Astrophysics, Theory and Observational Perspectives, Warsaw, Poland, March 2021
Modeling the non-thermal emission from blazars, Weekly Seminar in Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens, November 2019
MHD Accretion Disk Winds And The Blazar Sequence in HEPRO VII, Barcelona, July 2019
On the connection of radio and gamma-ray emission from Blazars, in the "14th Hellenic Astronomical Conference", Volos, July 2019
Modeling the non-thermal emission from AGN in 59th Cracow School of theroretical physics, Zakopane, June 2019
MHD Accretion Disks and the Blazar Sequence in eXtreme19, Padova, January 2019
On the connection of radio and γ-ray emission of blazars in HAP Workshop | Monitoring the Non-thermal Universe, Cochem, September 2018
The Blazar Sequence and Accretion Disk Winds in HAP Workshop | Monitoring the Non-thermal Universe, Cochem, December 2016
Is the Blazar Sequence related to accretion disk winds? in 2nd Summer School of Hellenic Astronomical Society, "Nuclear Activity in Galaxies", Athens, July 2016
Poster Presentations
Investigating the physical mechanisms of blazar emission: multi-zone emission model, ICRC 2023, Nagoya, July 2023
Understanding blazars: Exploring the connection between gamma-ray and radio emission, EAS 2023, Krakow, July 2023
Hybrid-kinetic simulations of quasi-perpendicular shocks in high beta cosmic plasmas, Boula S., Jacek Niemiec, Takanobu Amano, Particle Astrophysics in Poland 2023, Krakow, February 2023
Hybrid-kinetic simulations of the rippled low Mach number shocks in high beta cosmic plasmas,Boula S., Jacek Niemiec, Takanobu Amano, Polish-German WE Heraeus-Seminar, The variable Multi-Messenger Sky, Krakow, November 2022
Hybrid-kinetic simulations of the rippled low Mach number shocks in high beta cosmic plasmas, Boula S., Jacek Niemiec, Takanobu Amano, 14th International School for Space Simulations, Japan (online), September 2022
Modeling blazars non-thermal emission: from radio to γ-rays, Jets2021, Heidelberg, June 2021
Poster Excibition of Royal Astronomical Society : https://ras.ac.uk/poster-contest/stella-s-boula- - -
Accretion Disk MHD Winds and Blazar Classification, Kazanas D., Boula S., Mastichiadis A., in Eighth International Fermi Symposium, Baltimore, USA, October 2018
On the connection of radio and γ-ray emission of blazars, Boula S., Petropoulou M., Mastichiadis A., in "The 13th Hellenic Astronomical Conference", Heraklion, Greece, July 2017
Is the Blazar Sequence related to accretion disk winds?, Boula S., Mastichiadis A. Kazanas D., in "EWASS 2016", Athens, Greece, July 2016
Is the Blazar Sequence related to accretion disk winds?, Boula S., Mastichiadis A. Kazanas D., in ESO Workshop on Active Galactic Nuclei: What’s in a Name? , Garching, Germany, June 2016
Spectral signatures of compact sources in the Inverse Compton Catastrophe limit, Petropoulou M., Piran T., Boula S., Mastichiadis A., in "The 12th Hellenic Astronomical Conference", Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2015
Attendance of Conferences and Workshops
+++ Virtual Conferences during Covid-19 Pandemia
KICP Workshop, High-Energy Messengers : Connecting the Non-Thermal Extragalactic Backgrounds, Chicago Illinois, June 9-11, 2014
Workshop on Relativistic Plasma Astrophysics, Purdue University, May 11-15, 2014
4th High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows (HEPRO IV) Heidelberg, Germany, July 23-26, 2013
The Role and the Origin of Magnetic Field in Astrophysics (Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens), March 11-12, 2013
Attendance of Schools
Foundations of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, Varenna, June 2022
2nd Summer School of Hellenic Astronomical Society, "Nuclear Activity in Galaxies", Athens, July 2016
5th Winter School, “The Unification Model of Active Galactic Nuclei”, National Observatory of Athens, December, 2014
4th Winter School, “The XMM Newton satellite“, National Observatory of Athens December, 2012
1st Summer School of Operators Theory, University of Aegean, July, 2011