  1.  Expanding one-zone model for blazar emission, Boula S, and Mastichiadis A., Astronomy and
    Astrophysics, Volume 657, January 2022 
  2. A roadmap to hadronic supercriticalities: a comprehensive study of the parameter space for high-energy astrophysical sources, Mastichiadis A. et al. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 495, Issue 2, June 2020, Pages 2458–2474
  3. Accretion Disk MHD Winds and Blazar Classification, Boula S., Kazanas D. and Mastichiadis A., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 482, Issue 1, 1 January 2019, Pages L80-L84
  4. On the connection of radio and γ-ray emission, Boula S., Petropoulou M. and Mastichiadis A., Galaxies, 2019, 7, 3


  1. Electron acceleration at merger shocks of galaxy clusters in generalized hybrid kinetic simulations, Boula S., Niemiec J., Amano T. and Kobzar O.,  PoS(ICRC2023)409    
  2. Investigating the Physical Mechanisms of Blazar Emission: A Multi-Zone Emission Model, Boula S. , PoS(ICRC2023)890        
  3. Analysis of commissioning data from SST-1M : A Prototype of Single- Mirror Small Size Telescope, SST-1M collaboration, PoS(ICRC2023)741
  4. Mono and stereo performance of the two SST-1M telescope prototypes, SST-1M collaboration, PoS(ICRC2023)592
  5. An Expanding Model to Explain Blazars Emission, Boula S., Mastichiadis A. and Kazanas D.,Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 15, 3-A12, 2022    

  6. A two-zone emission model for Blazars and the role of Accretion Disk MHD winds, Boula S., Mastichiadis A.. and Kazanas D., PoS(ICRC2021)678
  7.  2’ science: A Science Communication Project for Astrophysics, Batziou E., Boula S., PoS(ICRC2021)1388                             
  8. MHD Accretion Disk Winds And The Blazar Sequence, Boula S., Kazanas D. and Mastichiadis A., PoS (HEPRO VII), November 2019

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